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The versatility and depth of Michał Pilipczuk's research is exceptional for his age.

He is one of the most prolific and promising young researchers in Theoretical Computer Science. During the last five years Michał is responsible for a great amount of important and fundamental results as well as solutions to several long-standing open problems. The highlights of his achievements with different coauthors are the creation of novel algorithmic methods Cut&Count method and randomized contraction; building of an algorithmic framework for solving topological embedding problems in tournaments; solving long-standing problems on disjoint paths in planar graphs, on graph isomorphism on graphs of bounded treewidth and on kernelization of Steiner Tree in planar graphs.

He is also a coauthor of "Parameterized Algorithms", which I hope will become the landmark book in the area.

Prof. Fedor Fomin
University of Bergen